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Exploring Business Assignment 1

Exploring Business Assignment 1

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  • Distinction* Graded
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This document includes 50 detailed pages of distinction graded coursework for Unit 1 Exploring Business Assignment 1, covering: P1,P2,P3,M1,M2 and D1.

This assignment is on Tesco and Cancer Research UK and can be used as a guide of exactly what you need to include to achieve a Distinction in the unit.

Includes links to all sources used.

Topics covered

P1: Explain the features of two contrasting businesses.
P2: Explain how two contrasting businesses are influenced by stakeholders.
P3: Explore the organisation structures, aims and objectives of two contrasting businesses.
M1: Assess the relationship and communication with stakeholders of two contrasting businesses using independent research.
M2: Analyse how the structures of two contrasting businesses allow each to achieve its aims and objectives.
D1: Evaluate the reasons for the success of two contrasting businesses, reflecting on evidence gathered.

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